Causes of increased plasma albumin (hyperalbuminemia)
1. 脫水 Dehydration
劇烈嘔吐 Severe vomiting
嚴重下痢 Severe diarrhea
多尿疾病 Polyuric disorder
2. 誤差 Error
藥物干擾 Drug interferences
Causes of decreased plasma albumin (hypoalbuminemia)
1. 相對減少 ─ 水化過度及誤差
Relative decrease – overhydration and error
2. 蛋白質合成減少 Decreased protein synthesis
蛋白質飢餓 Protein starvation
小腸吸收障礙 Small intestinal malabsorption
肝病 Liver disorders
嚴重創傷 Severe trauma
鬱血性心衰竭 Congestive heart failure
腦下腺侏儒症 Pituitary dwarfism
腦下腺侏儒症 Pituitary dwarfism
Primidone 治療 Primidone therapy
3. 處方食品 (s/d)
4. 蛋白質損耗增加 Increased protein loss
於尿之中 In urine
由腸道 From the gut
出血 Hemorrhage