血尿  Hematuria


血尿的病因  Causes of hematuria

  來自泌尿道的任何部分  From any part of the urinary tract

       1. 嚴重發炎〈細菌性、cyclophosphamide抗癌劑〉 

                Severe inflammation (bacterial, cyclophosphamide)

       2. 泌尿道結石  Urinary calculi

       3. 贅瘤  Neoplasia

       4. 創傷  Trauma


   來自腎臟  From the kidney

       1. 急性勾端螺旋菌症  Acute leptospirosis

       2. 急性腎小管壞死  Acute tubular necrosis

       3. 非炎性腎血管球病變  Glomerulopathies

       4. 其他腎臟病變 梗塞、敗血症等 

                   Other nephropathies – infarcts, septicemia etc.

       5. 結晶尿〈罕見〉  Crystalluria (rare)

       6. 腎臟寄生蟲  Renal parasites

       7. 原發性腎臟出血  Idiopathic renal hemorrhage

       8. 輻射損害  Radiation injury

       9. 腎臟囊腫  Renal cysts

     10. 毛細血管擴張 遺傳腎臟病 

                Telangiectasia – familial renal disease


    來自膀胱/尿道  From bladder/urethra

       1. 貓尿路徵侯群  Feline urological syndrome


    來自生殖道  From genital tract

       1. 前列腺異常  Prostatic disorders

       2. 陰莖及包皮異常  Disorders of penis and prepuce

       3. 子宮、陰道及陰戶之異常 

                         Disorders of uterus, vagina and vulva


    也侵襲其他身體的系統  Affecting other body systems also

       1. 止血缺陷  Defective hemostasis

       2. 嚴重肝臟官能障礙  Severe liver dysfunction

       3. 嚴重敗血症、毒血症、病毒血症 

                        Severe septicaemia, toxaemia, viraemia 

       4. 慢性被動充血 Chronic passive congestion

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