膽紅素尿的病因 Causes of bilirubinuria
肝臟功能喪失 Loss of liver function
1. 有毒物質 Toxic substances
2. 傳染病 Infectious disease
3. 慢性活動肝炎 Chronic active hepatitis
4. 貓肝臟異常 Feline liver disorders
5. 骨髓增生異常 Myeloproliferative disorders
6. 內分泌疾病〈貓〉 Endocrine disorders (cat)
膽汁流出受阻 Bile flow obstruction
1. 肝臟內部的 Intrahepatic
2. 肝臟內外部的 Extrahepatic
3. 膽管分支發炎 Inflammation of biliary tree
4. 鬱血性心病變 Congestive cardiopathy
5. 慢性傳染病 Chronic infectious diseases
膽管分支破裂 Rupture of biliary tree
嚴重急性溶血 Severe acute hemolysis
Breakdown of large hematoma or
massive internal hemorrhage
水楊酸鹽中毒 Salicylate poisoning
發燒及飢餓 Fever/starvation