葡萄糖尿的病因Causes of glycosuria
伴隨血糖過高症 With hyperglycemia
1. 糖尿病 Diabetes mellitus
2. 疾病誘發糖尿病 Disorders inducing diabetes mellitus
3. 藥物誘發糖尿病 Drugs inducing diabetes mellitus
4. 急性胰臟炎 Acute pancreatitis
5. 切除胰島瘤 Removal of insulinoma
6. 嚴重緊迫 Severe stress
7. 注射葡萄糖 〈或其他炭水化合物〉
Injection of dextrose (or other carbohydrate)
8. 抽筋 Convulsions
9. 慢性肝炎〈罕見〉 Chronic liver diseases (rare)
10. 藥物治療胰島素過多症 Drugs therapy for hyperinsulinism
11. Xylazine〈鎮靜〉〈罕見〉 Xylazine (sedative) (rare)
12. 貓下泌尿道徵候群 FLUTD
沒有血糖過高症 Without hyperglycemia
1. 原發腎臟葡萄糖尿 Primary renal glycosuria
2. Fanconi 氏症徵候群 Fanconi’s syndrome
3. 其他遺傳的腎臟異常 Other familial renal disorders
4. 急性腎衰竭〈腎內或腎後〉
Acute renal failure (intrarenal or postrenal)
5. 鉛或膽鹼酯酶中毒 Lead or cholinesterase poisoning
6. 慢性腎衰竭〈罕見〉 Chronic renal failure (rare)