總蛋白增加的病因 Causes of increased total protein level

   脫水 〈常見〉 Dehydration (common)

   增加球蛋白質 Increased globulin level

        急性炎症 Acute inflammation

        亞急性炎症 Subacute inflammation

        慢性炎症 Chronic inflammation

        肝病 Liver disease

        腫瘤 Neoplasia


           Viral and rickettsial disease (unusual)

        黴菌及原蟲感染 Fungal and protozoal infections

        自體免疫疾病 Autoimmune disorders

        新生的動物〈短暫的〉 Newborn animals (transient)

        膿皮症 Pyodermas

        原發小管病 Primary glomerular diseases

        溶血 Hemolysis

   成代謝類固醇 Anabolic steroids

   纖維蛋白質增加 Increased fibrinogen level


總蛋白減少的病因Causes of  decreased total protein level

  相對減少 水化過度及錯誤  Overhydration and errors

  年齡 年幼的動物  Young animals

  蛋白質合成減少  Decreased protein synthesis

        蛋白質饑餓  Protein starvation

        小腸吸收障礙  Small intestinal malabsorption

        慢性炎症  Chronic inflammation

        肝臟疾病  Liver disease

        鬱血性心衰竭  Congestive heart failure

  蛋白質損耗增加  Increased protein loss

        於尿中  In urine 

        腸道  From the gut

        灼傷  From burns

        出血  Hemorrhage

        敗血症及菌血症  Sepsis and bacteramia


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